
Twitter replaces Periscope’s live broadcast with Squad

Twitter, like every social media platform, is improvising its video broadcasting options for its users. Twitter has taken two significant steps that indicate that the social media giant is using the high demand for video broadcast seriously and revamping its video strategies.


As per Tech Crunch, Twitter’s app code indicates that it is shutting down Periscope – a video streaming app it acquired 5 years ago. Since its launch, Periscope has been one of the favorite live streaming social media apps that supported real-time videos and real-time conversations around those videos. Periscope has been a standalone app although it gradually became a support system of Twitter Live. Experts have long been predicting Periscope’s retirement due to its incapability to catch up with the advanced features in the video broadcasting world.


That’s how Twitter acquired Squad – a startup app that allows virtual connection through video chat and screen sharing. Launched in 2019, Squad gained a firm ground during the pandemic when virtual interaction and live streaming became prominent. The usage of the app spiked 1,100{03b50bd0bcecd46722d987df33c82da2da730aa5880fcdcb3de25d7b00a61cc2} early 2020.


For now the app is shutting down. How Squad will integrate with Twitter and what will happen to Twitter Live is not revealed yet but something new is surely around the corner – a new live broadcasting competitor.

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